The Rotten Eggheads Animation Contest 2006 – MTV

August 30, 2006 · Filed Under Animation Contests, Animation News, Flash Animation · Comments Off on The Rotten Eggheads Animation Contest 2006 – MTV 

The Rotten Eggheads is an animated on-line series from MTV about five characters with large heads. Dimples has to admit that before seeing this contest, we didn’t know that this cartoon series existed. The webpage says that The Rotten Eggheads are part of MTV’s European programming. This is from the contest rules:

the rotten eggheads – five unique characters starring in the homonymous open end animation series known from the mtv load project and honoured with numerous awards. the starring characters have two things in common: an enormous egghead and a fragile fate.
at the end of each episode at least one egghead breaks. a new episode of this series goes online on every friday themed: “weak! every week!”.

The entry should be an entire episode of the Egghead series in cut-out style Flash animation. The prizes are as follows:

your ideas are worth cash! the designer of the best episode will earn 3000 USD and as the winner doesn’t take it all, the second prize is endowed with 1000 USD. the third place will still be rewarded with remarkable 500 USD.

The entry deadline for uploading your cartoon episode is September 30, 2006. The call for entries went out in July. Frankly, that’s not much time to create an entire episode. Templates to start your entry are available here.

[tags]the rotten eggheads, 2D animation, animation contest, flash animation, MTV[/tags]
